Common scenarios

Dead code and dependency cleanup
Strategy and design for sunsetting legacy components or entire versions of tech products

Remote culture migration, team growth and operations, automation of operations
Drafting of legal documents, open source licensing and leadership

Infrastructure and cost reduction
Performance instrumentation, monitoring and optimization
Previous challenges
Company IM01
worked with us for about 2 years.
We built their remote product team. Helped sunset the legacy version for
4000+ corporate customers. Saved their infrastructure costs by architecting
an automated data processing pipeline, with internal and external data
sources, for the operations where data went
from 3TB, down to
Company ID01
worked with us for about 1 year
part-time. We replaced the old version of about 80000 lines of code with
a modern SPA with
minimal changes to their database layout. The product
passed an open initiative for penetration testing and ended up being
about 10000 lines of code with a >90% test coverage and minimal maintenance
Company IM02
worked with us for about 2 years
part-time. We helped them move away from a third-party authentication
solution and redesigned and migrated most of their core features with a
minimum impact on their customers. One of the biggest challenge was to
architect a pragmatic
API for running
analytics/aggregations on any stored dataset for the product charting tool.
We also drafted most of the legal content to cover the
requirements for highly-sensitive data controller and to align it with the
internal operational processes.